Nurturing Something New

We women were created to nurture. This takes the form in the home, children, pets, even work and projects. We nurture. That’s what we HAVE to do.

There is a void in a woman’s heart who has no way to nurture people and the things in her life.

This statement highlights the importance of cultivating and creating comfort in the meaning of a woman’s purpose. The absence of such can lead to a sense of emptiness and longing. And let’s face it, we aren’t promised tomorrow.

Each day is a gift.

I have always wanted children. For many years and through 5 miscarriages, the Lord would gently show me His plan and work in His timing. Infertility is a journey that was chosen for me and it was a long season.

It was hard, but it was not bad.

I poured myself into other things like this blog, for example. I learned how to build a garden and a shed. I fell in love with simple living and slowing down to be in the moment. I cultivated mentoring relationships with college students who desired to grow in their faith. This should be at the top of the list: I really got into my marriage.

Though my identity is established in Jesus, I find great value in His creation. There are things that are meant to be enjoyed. Each day brings opportunities to steward. Seasons will change, but the value of each season has lessons to be learned and moments to be enjoyed and bring JOY. So, I stayed busy even though there was still a God-given longing for motherhood. I waited. I prayed. And I thrived in my place.

God taught me many times about trust and dependence upon Him. Could I trust Him with THIS? A desire so precious and near to my heart. There were days I refused. Others, I surrendered.

About a month ago, I held my son for the first time and my season of life changed.

Life is precious. He is precious.

He is our 6th child, but also our first… and up until half way through this pregnancy, we thought he would be joining his siblings in Heaven before we could hold him. But God had different plans, and I am so grateful.

The days are long, but the weeks are short. I am cherishing this invaluable season of Motherhood just as I have every season before now.

“Hope delayed makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12

Tucker John at 1 month old. You are the newborn we have waited for.

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