Cackles and Messy Hands

Motherhood is so much better and harder than I thought it would be. I get to watch another human discover the world. My son’s fascination with the most simple things has helped me slow down and enjoy home comforts and strolling while out and about.

He brings the wonder of every day life into focus.

Extra long trips at the grocery store to look at all the different colors of apples.

The slimy texture of hummus all over hands and face.

Gazing at the bird feeder from the window.

Cool gusts coming off the lake beckons us to take a deep breath and smile at each other.

A cackle when swinging on the swing for the first time at the play ground.

Taking an extra lap around the neighborhood just to soak in the rare sunshine this time of year.

Candles lit at mealtimes entrance us as we taste the flavors of a warm soup or banana bread.

Folding laundry on a picnic blanket just because we can.

Many nights during a feeding, I hold my son as he falls asleep from a full belly and thank God for the moment.

I have prayed for these moments for so long. Amidst the lack of energy and, I will be honest, patience, it still ceases to amaze me how wonderful being a mother really is.

I have never known exhaustion like this. But, I am equally perplexed how I can still function on so little sleep.

I do my best to find pockets during the day to rest. A snack and reclining with a crochet project or book has a way of nourishing my soul. So does reading my Bible.

I am working through the Bible in one year. I have just finished Genesis and Matthew. I take such comfort in the truths of the Bible. Many good reminders of God’s perfect plan.

I am challenged during this season of first time motherhood to be patient with myself.

I don’t have the time I used to get lost in Bible studies and book clubs. But, what is essential is making Bible reading a daily habit.

Spending time with the Lord is more nourishing to my soul than any iced coffee or Bob Ross rerun. Although those are all well and good too.

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