A Shed or Barn?

The beginning of building a shed is full of excitement and uncertainty. When we began building our garden shed 9 weeks ago, we had no idea the work and grit it would involve! Here is the gambrel-style replacement roof. We were able to salvage 80% of our wood from the gable-style roof and it came … Continue reading A Shed or Barn?

Raisin’ and Tearin’

Yep. We had ourselves a roof raisin' on day 1, only to tear it down on day 2. Following the instructions carefully and building a template to make the rafters for the roof, we assembled it and were hopeful to get the plywood, paper, and shingles on before the snow came at New Years. After … Continue reading Raisin’ and Tearin’

Expecting the Unexpected

Well, Farmer's Almanac fails all of us at some point. This spring has been oddly "emotional" (as if I'm talking about a teenager 😀 ) One week, the warm front encourages the grass to sprout and the roses to begin budding. The next week, we get the warning for freezing temps and I scramble to … Continue reading Expecting the Unexpected

Goodbye, Summer

Fall has officially arrived. Many evenings are dipping into the 40's and the tips of trees are changing. Fall came early this year. Oklahoma temps usually stay balmy through October, but this year is different... in more ways than one. I am still enjoying picnics in the front lawn during my lunch break. By noon, … Continue reading Goodbye, Summer

Fall Beginnings & Summer Harvest

The first day of fall already? Well, the temps are regularly dropping into the 50's every night and the fog has settled over the prairies. Although these fall days don't have the vibrancy of fall in New England, Oklahoma has its own kind of fall flare and beauty. I am just beginning to see the … Continue reading Fall Beginnings & Summer Harvest

Weekend Balance

A heavy topic for sure and many thoughts about the subject. It hits close to home because I am not naturally good at this and struggle often. I am trying to find a balance of being productive and resting on the weekends. The balance of grace, love, rest, and play. I am a tinkerer and … Continue reading Weekend Balance

Grateful for the Simple and the Hail Storms…

Life has been a lot slower these days with the current global pandemic. There is a lot of nonsense, but I am grateful that the pandemic hit during the warmer months. Could you imagine how sick and tired we would get locked in our homes during the winter? At least there are birds singing and … Continue reading Grateful for the Simple and the Hail Storms…

Garden Update and Thoughts on the Fall Garden

Time is passing by so quickly. The garden is growing like crazy and I can't seem to keep up with all of the delicious tomatoes! I did not realize how tall san marzano tomatoes can grow! They have grown well past their cages and have drooped all the way to the ground without snapping their … Continue reading Garden Update and Thoughts on the Fall Garden